πŸ‘‹ About TechInvestment.com

πŸ“ˆ The businesses we invest in

Over the past 20+ years our portfolio has included listed stocks and unlisted/alternative investments

Techinvestment focuses on investment on quantum computing and artificial intelligence companies.
As at 17 Jul 2024 our AUD 23Β± million listed portfolio includes:

We invest our time discovering, learning, understanding, comparing and following the development of new technologies in order to evaluate their strategic and competitive potential.

This helps us understand, for example, the US Government Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Underexplored Systems for Utility-Scale Quantum Computing (US2QC) and its 5-year partnership and funding support for:

Generative AI also requires powerful technical infrastructure, currently met with arrays of stacked GPUs such as those produced by Nvidia. The resource-intensive processes involved in handling a query include tokenization, embedding, contextualization, task interpretation, response generation (decoding, sampling, iteration) and post-processing, all in real time.

🌎 Where we invest

The stocks we invest in are located in USA, Taiwan and Australia.

Our current preference for investment in USA takes into account issues such as market size and policy issues in areas of economic, monetary, government fiscal (incl taxation) and debt directions that impact on the business environment and exchange rates.

Right now these drivers continue to favour our current investment preference for large innovative technology companies addressing global markets, and QC and AI companies that are capable of attracting large scale investment funding.

Most of the largest global technology companies, ranked by market capitalisation are listed on the NASDAQ and NYSE

The biggest risk we foresee in US investment is policy uncertainty that may result from changes in US presidency, and government and economic/fiscal policies.

/ Currencies (FX)

/ The wild ride of the AUD/USD since the AUD was floated in Dec 1983 [History]

In 2010 the AUD was valued above parity with the USD. We concluded that this was unlikely to be sustained in the long term, and this influenced our decision to invest in NASDAQ stocks at that time. Over the next 8 years the AUD fell from USD 1.080 on 2 Mar 2012 to a low of USD 0.574 on 20 Mar 2020, substantially boosting the AUD value of our NASDAQ and NYSE stocks.

AUD and USD Currency Ratings

  AUD Fitch Affirms Australia at 'AAA', Outlook Stable. 09 Nov 2023

  USD Fitch Affirms the United States at 'AA+'; Outlook Stable. 1 Mar 2024

πŸ“†πŸ“ˆ  Fitch Ratings Review Calendar

πŸ˜‡ Disclaimer

TechInvestment.com content is not intended to represent or be relied upon as investment advice.